don't know how I failed to realize this before. Nearly five years I
spent as a professional gardener—a grizzled green-collar mercenary
battling my way through clients' front lines of horticultural
revolt—but somehow the epiphany only struck this weekend, in my own
backyard. I suppose this would be akin to a true mercenary, having
spent a decade or so embroiled in bitter civil war and sectarian
conflicts, suddenly reaching the astonishing conclusion that humans
don't always see eye to eye—but only after
returning home and getting in
tiff with his wife over how to properly launder bedsheets.
I was a Gardener by trade, every drop of sweat—every pulled muscle,
dislocated joint, and hideous sunburn—were chalked up as hazards of
the job. Gardening was hard work,
but in my professional career, all work has been hard. That's what
makes it work. In exchange for 8 hours worth of pulling up sod and
throwing my back out, I got a paycheck. But now, when it's on my own
dime, I am starting to see that gardening as a hobby is hard;
it's difficult; it's tricky; it's time consuming; it's grueling. When
things go wrong, rather than getting paid overtime to make them
right, I
now have to go back to the nursery and spend more of my
(sorry, baby, our
money) to fix things. If I hurt my back lifting a stump into a
wheelbarrow, the doctor's bill shows up in my
mailbox, not L&I's. If a section of lawn-edging doesn't look
quite right, I have to stare at it every day, annoyed, until the
irritation builds to an unreasonable, fiery rage and I tear up the
plastic, throw it on a fire, and douse the whole yard with the
ensuing napalm.
gardening thing is kind of a bum deal.
that it's not. Whatever pain, expense, or frustration pops up along
the way, I've never been happier than I am in the backyard with my
wife and daughter. No matter the dirt, sweat, fatigue or
Daisy-induced delays; no matter that it may only be for fifteen,
exhausted minutes after getting home from a full day of real work, I
still love gardening. Even if it is hard.
Pretty awesome! :)